Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Golden Alphabet
Oftentimes I carefully and prayerfully observe my children to evaluate their spiritual growth. Many times I am pleased and rejoice, while at other times I am arrested by the life or death responsibility that I have to teach them the ways of God.
Oh, if I could snap my fingers and they would instantly know and love the Word! But that is not the case. If I neglect to instill in them a pure love for God's Word, then have I accomplished anything at all as a parent? I have no greater daily task than to teach my children the ways of God and to see that they fall in love with His Word, and the privilege we have to obey it!
When I was a teenager, I listened to a sermon by Sis. Nona Freeman on cassette in which she issued a challenge to her hearers to pray Psalm 119 unto the Lord.
As I knelt in my messy bedroom, I did not feel any supernatural presence of God, nor was there an instantaneous change as I prayed the passage - but 15 years later, I can confidently declare the truth that God's Word does not return to him void, but WILL accomplish that which it was intended for!!!! (Isaiah 55:11)
Praying and speaking that precious Psalm unto the Lord, in obedience to the minister of God, was not just a common prayer, but rather something was spoken into the atmosphere and into my spirit, that began a journey toward the Heart of God - His Word!
Recently I have been interested in studying Psalm 119 in great detail. In my research I found some very old writings by Charles Spurgeon and Charles Bridges in the mid 1800's pertaining to the specific chapter. It is very clear by their writings that this passage was very dear to them. Both writers explain how that each stanza in this chapter is headed by the corresponding 'letters' of the Hebrew alphabet. Many times, this particular text has been used to teach Jewish Children their 'ABC's', thus endearing this alphabet as the 'GOLDEN ALPHABET'.
How interesting!
In my research, I came across a church website in Virginia Beach, Va that promoted a memorization program for Psalm 119. Below is an excerpt from their site:
“The Word of God In My Life”
Charles Bridges in his “Expository of Psalm 119”
calls it “the twenty-two pearls upon one string.” The
twenty-two sections represent the corresponding letters
of the Hebrew alphabet and plot a course of God’s
influence upon every facet of Christian living. As you
memorize this great passage, remember the words of
Philip Henry to his children, one of whom was Matthew
Henry, writer of the famous commentary, “Take
a verse of Psalm 119 every morning to meditate upon,
and so go over the Psalm twice in a year: and that will
bring you to be in love with all the rest of the Scripture.”
May the Word of God in our lives be magnified
this year!
Wow! What GREAT THINGS does God have in store for my children as they too fall in love with the Word of God just like little Matthew!
There is no task greater, or more fulfilling, than seeing that our children walk in truth!
III John 1:4 " I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth."
Dear Sisters, do not be faith of heart! Let's teach our babies the precious Word of God!
For a great study, see Matthew Henry's Commentary of Psalm 119:
Oh, if I could snap my fingers and they would instantly know and love the Word! But that is not the case. If I neglect to instill in them a pure love for God's Word, then have I accomplished anything at all as a parent? I have no greater daily task than to teach my children the ways of God and to see that they fall in love with His Word, and the privilege we have to obey it!
When I was a teenager, I listened to a sermon by Sis. Nona Freeman on cassette in which she issued a challenge to her hearers to pray Psalm 119 unto the Lord.
As I knelt in my messy bedroom, I did not feel any supernatural presence of God, nor was there an instantaneous change as I prayed the passage - but 15 years later, I can confidently declare the truth that God's Word does not return to him void, but WILL accomplish that which it was intended for!!!! (Isaiah 55:11)
Praying and speaking that precious Psalm unto the Lord, in obedience to the minister of God, was not just a common prayer, but rather something was spoken into the atmosphere and into my spirit, that began a journey toward the Heart of God - His Word!
Recently I have been interested in studying Psalm 119 in great detail. In my research I found some very old writings by Charles Spurgeon and Charles Bridges in the mid 1800's pertaining to the specific chapter. It is very clear by their writings that this passage was very dear to them. Both writers explain how that each stanza in this chapter is headed by the corresponding 'letters' of the Hebrew alphabet. Many times, this particular text has been used to teach Jewish Children their 'ABC's', thus endearing this alphabet as the 'GOLDEN ALPHABET'.
How interesting!
In my research, I came across a church website in Virginia Beach, Va that promoted a memorization program for Psalm 119. Below is an excerpt from their site:
“The Word of God In My Life”
Charles Bridges in his “Expository of Psalm 119”
calls it “the twenty-two pearls upon one string.” The
twenty-two sections represent the corresponding letters
of the Hebrew alphabet and plot a course of God’s
influence upon every facet of Christian living. As you
memorize this great passage, remember the words of
Philip Henry to his children, one of whom was Matthew
Henry, writer of the famous commentary, “Take
a verse of Psalm 119 every morning to meditate upon,
and so go over the Psalm twice in a year: and that will
bring you to be in love with all the rest of the Scripture.”
May the Word of God in our lives be magnified
this year!
Wow! What GREAT THINGS does God have in store for my children as they too fall in love with the Word of God just like little Matthew!
There is no task greater, or more fulfilling, than seeing that our children walk in truth!
III John 1:4 " I have no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth."
Dear Sisters, do not be faith of heart! Let's teach our babies the precious Word of God!
For a great study, see Matthew Henry's Commentary of Psalm 119:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Lisa and Stephen's Fridge!
Earlier this year our family enjoyed a nice evening in the home of our friends, Stephen and Lisa Adkins. Little did I know, that this night would change my life - or at least my refrigerator - forever!
While Lisa was busy whipping up some yummy Pampered Chef goodies; I, knowing my gifting - or lack thereof, sat in a chair in the corner just chatting away!
All of a sudden the children came into the kitchen requiring a drink of water. This, friends, was the moment it all changed! I opened up the refrigerator, and to my shock, amazement and utter dismay, there were little labels everywhere! Labels that said things like, "leftovers", "condiments", "meats", "fruit", "drinks", etc.
I was afraid to touch the water pitcher, much less MOVE it! I looked cautiously around me and gingerly removed the water from the ledge, quickly pouring for the children and very carefully placing it back in its perfectly designed spot. Whew!
Once I regained my composure and wiped the sweat from my palms, I had to ask!
"What on earth is this all about!?!"
Turns out, Stephen is a master organizer. As he proceeded to give me tour of his well-organized cabinets, shelves, cupboards, nooks and crannies - I saw the light! Well, Akil saw the light.
Now, needless to say, a great fear comes upon me when I open my 'holy door' for a snack.
Can somebody please tell me what I should put in the spot labeled "ADDITIVES!"
Thanks, Stephen......I think.
While Lisa was busy whipping up some yummy Pampered Chef goodies; I, knowing my gifting - or lack thereof, sat in a chair in the corner just chatting away!
All of a sudden the children came into the kitchen requiring a drink of water. This, friends, was the moment it all changed! I opened up the refrigerator, and to my shock, amazement and utter dismay, there were little labels everywhere! Labels that said things like, "leftovers", "condiments", "meats", "fruit", "drinks", etc.
I was afraid to touch the water pitcher, much less MOVE it! I looked cautiously around me and gingerly removed the water from the ledge, quickly pouring for the children and very carefully placing it back in its perfectly designed spot. Whew!
Once I regained my composure and wiped the sweat from my palms, I had to ask!
"What on earth is this all about!?!"
Turns out, Stephen is a master organizer. As he proceeded to give me tour of his well-organized cabinets, shelves, cupboards, nooks and crannies - I saw the light! Well, Akil saw the light.
Now, needless to say, a great fear comes upon me when I open my 'holy door' for a snack.
Can somebody please tell me what I should put in the spot labeled "ADDITIVES!"
Thanks, Stephen......I think.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I Love The People Of God!
What an amazing time we all had at East Coast Women's Conference! It was great to spend time with some of my friends from across the state with whom I rarely get to chat with. What a blessing to my soul are the people of God!
If you have ever been refreshed and encouraged by a friend, this read is for you.
Luke Chapter 1 tells of the moment when Gabriel came to Mary and told her of the 'Great Thing' that was going to be born of her. Mary was overwhelmed, yet the angel encouraged her by telling her that Elizabeth, her cousin was also about to give birth to something great(John the Baptist). So, in the manner that women do, Mary high-tailed it to Elizabeth's house! Maybe she needed the support of her friend. Or maybe in her excitement, she just had to find someone she loved and trusted to share her passion about what God was doing in her life. Wouldn't you know, the moment she greeted Elizabeth, her friend knew that something had happened to Mary. The Bible tells us that Elizabeth was instantly filled with the spirit and began to prophesy and speak life into her dear friend. Mary then broke out in rejoicing, singing a song of great faith and honor unto God for the great things he was doing in her life.
Oh, what a blessing we are to one another!
I remember as a teenager living out in the sticks of Richlands, VA. We didn't have a youth group, it was just my sister and I. On occasion there was a young person or two that I tried desperately to befriend, but they always moved away or something. I attended an incredible private Christian school of which I attribute my deep love for the Word of God. However, in a small town you can only expect to have a 'small' number of people your age in your class. The people that I connected with and could relate to most were spread out all across the state of Virginia. I saw these precious people twice, maybe three times a year at youth camps, conventions and rallies. Yet somehow a special bond formed and even though I was alone in Richlands VA, I was very much not alone. Did that make me a weirdo? LOL! NO, but maybe like Paul, who said, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Ph 1:3
Anyways, having recently returned from the Women's Conference, once again my heart is full because of my dear sisters from miles away. I thank God that early in my life He placed a special desire for the fellowship of my sisters in my heart. I believe in them and they believe in me. I rejoice with them, and they me.
One of my top 5 passions is UNITY, and as I look back over my life I realize that what I thought was an unfortunate circumstance of teenage loneliness, was not that at all; but rather the birthplace of a deep passion, longing for, and love for God's people - all over the world!
The moment we let go of comparisons, competition and jealousy is the blessed moment when we unite and ALL things become possible! May the weight of dis-unity never be applicable to you, and may the joys of togetherness in Christ always be a refreshing to your soul!
If you have ever been refreshed and encouraged by a friend, this read is for you.
Luke Chapter 1 tells of the moment when Gabriel came to Mary and told her of the 'Great Thing' that was going to be born of her. Mary was overwhelmed, yet the angel encouraged her by telling her that Elizabeth, her cousin was also about to give birth to something great(John the Baptist). So, in the manner that women do, Mary high-tailed it to Elizabeth's house! Maybe she needed the support of her friend. Or maybe in her excitement, she just had to find someone she loved and trusted to share her passion about what God was doing in her life. Wouldn't you know, the moment she greeted Elizabeth, her friend knew that something had happened to Mary. The Bible tells us that Elizabeth was instantly filled with the spirit and began to prophesy and speak life into her dear friend. Mary then broke out in rejoicing, singing a song of great faith and honor unto God for the great things he was doing in her life.
Oh, what a blessing we are to one another!
I remember as a teenager living out in the sticks of Richlands, VA. We didn't have a youth group, it was just my sister and I. On occasion there was a young person or two that I tried desperately to befriend, but they always moved away or something. I attended an incredible private Christian school of which I attribute my deep love for the Word of God. However, in a small town you can only expect to have a 'small' number of people your age in your class. The people that I connected with and could relate to most were spread out all across the state of Virginia. I saw these precious people twice, maybe three times a year at youth camps, conventions and rallies. Yet somehow a special bond formed and even though I was alone in Richlands VA, I was very much not alone. Did that make me a weirdo? LOL! NO, but maybe like Paul, who said, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Ph 1:3
Anyways, having recently returned from the Women's Conference, once again my heart is full because of my dear sisters from miles away. I thank God that early in my life He placed a special desire for the fellowship of my sisters in my heart. I believe in them and they believe in me. I rejoice with them, and they me.
One of my top 5 passions is UNITY, and as I look back over my life I realize that what I thought was an unfortunate circumstance of teenage loneliness, was not that at all; but rather the birthplace of a deep passion, longing for, and love for God's people - all over the world!
The moment we let go of comparisons, competition and jealousy is the blessed moment when we unite and ALL things become possible! May the weight of dis-unity never be applicable to you, and may the joys of togetherness in Christ always be a refreshing to your soul!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
PH Balanced!
Up until one dreadful night in August of 09', I had never before experienced the excruciating, debilitating pain of heartburn. We're talking 6 hours of non-stop pain and vomiting, okay. It felt like someone had taken a spear and thrust it through my chest and out my back - and left it there!
I went to the Doctor the following morning. He gave me a script for some quick-fix pills and said, "Looks like you have mild gastrointestinal upset, along with painful heartburn. If it doesn't go away in a few days, come back and see us."
I did not take the meds, because I was feeling better. Since then, I have had about 5 difficult nights with heartburn.
So, the researcher that I am, I began to study my heartburn and indigestion problem. In September, I stumbled upon some notes about the relationship between heartburn, indigestion and the acid/alkaline balance in the body.
Too much acid catapults your body into a state of Acidosis, which is a condition characterized by excess acidity. The physical results of acidosis include fatigue, impaired cell function, immune system dysfunction, inflammation, problems related to mineral loss, premature aging, accelerated muscle loss, and will inhibit the proper function of enzymes, which over time, will set a perfect stage for the growth of illness, cancer, general and severe dis-ease, and eventually death.
On the other hand, too little acid, or Alkalosis can be very harmful as well, with results like, dysfunction of the central nervous system and the nerves by which it communicates with the body. Antacids, both OTC and prescribed by doctors, while they relieve symptoms, are also known to reduce the stomach's Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) levels to the point of too much alkalizing. The result of this, is more painful heartburn due to the fact that you no longer have enough HCI to properly break down your food, so it sits in your stomach, fermenting. Eventually causing you the same problem you tried to resolve by taking the antacids in the first place.
Needless to say, I have a slight problem with this 'circle of discomfort'!
So I bought this:
These are Aci
d/Alkaline Urine Test Strips.
Simply hold a small strip in the flow and note the new color that appears. Match that color to the chart on the package and "Viola!", there's your personal PH reading! A reading of 7.0 is where you want to be, but don't be surprised if your first reading it off the charts! Mine was!
Having studied much, I found that the foods we eat are the #1 factor in our body's PH balance. Medications follow at a close #2. I purchased a book entitled "The Acid Akkaline Food Guide" by Dr. Susan E Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. Not only did this book help educate me regarding healthy PH levels, but it also includes a multi-page listing of foods and the acid/alkaline effect the have on the body. So convenient!
It has been nearly 6 months since I began this study. Having experimented with eating the right foods, I have learned to recognize the symptoms of acidosis in my body without the use of the test strips. Whenever I feel sluggish, full, moody, or my skin appears pallid, if I use a PH test strip; 99% of the time the reading is - you guessed it, ACIDOSIS!
I do not expect to suffer with heartburn in the future, so long as I continue to moderate the quality of food that I consume, and listen to my body.
Go buy some strips!!
Yours for a good night's sleep!
Up until one dreadful night in August of 09', I had never before experienced the excruciating, debilitating pain of heartburn. We're talking 6 hours of non-stop pain and vomiting, okay. It felt like someone had taken a spear and thrust it through my chest and out my back - and left it there!
I went to the Doctor the following morning. He gave me a script for some quick-fix pills and said, "Looks like you have mild gastrointestinal upset, along with painful heartburn. If it doesn't go away in a few days, come back and see us."
I did not take the meds, because I was feeling better. Since then, I have had about 5 difficult nights with heartburn.
So, the researcher that I am, I began to study my heartburn and indigestion problem. In September, I stumbled upon some notes about the relationship between heartburn, indigestion and the acid/alkaline balance in the body.
Too much acid catapults your body into a state of Acidosis, which is a condition characterized by excess acidity. The physical results of acidosis include fatigue, impaired cell function, immune system dysfunction, inflammation, problems related to mineral loss, premature aging, accelerated muscle loss, and will inhibit the proper function of enzymes, which over time, will set a perfect stage for the growth of illness, cancer, general and severe dis-ease, and eventually death.
On the other hand, too little acid, or Alkalosis can be very harmful as well, with results like, dysfunction of the central nervous system and the nerves by which it communicates with the body. Antacids, both OTC and prescribed by doctors, while they relieve symptoms, are also known to reduce the stomach's Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) levels to the point of too much alkalizing. The result of this, is more painful heartburn due to the fact that you no longer have enough HCI to properly break down your food, so it sits in your stomach, fermenting. Eventually causing you the same problem you tried to resolve by taking the antacids in the first place.
Needless to say, I have a slight problem with this 'circle of discomfort'!
So I bought this:
These are Aci

Simply hold a small strip in the flow and note the new color that appears. Match that color to the chart on the package and "Viola!", there's your personal PH reading! A reading of 7.0 is where you want to be, but don't be surprised if your first reading it off the charts! Mine was!
Having studied much, I found that the foods we eat are the #1 factor in our body's PH balance. Medications follow at a close #2. I purchased a book entitled "The Acid Akkaline Food Guide" by Dr. Susan E Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. Not only did this book help educate me regarding healthy PH levels, but it also includes a multi-page listing of foods and the acid/alkaline effect the have on the body. So convenient!
It has been nearly 6 months since I began this study. Having experimented with eating the right foods, I have learned to recognize the symptoms of acidosis in my body without the use of the test strips. Whenever I feel sluggish, full, moody, or my skin appears pallid, if I use a PH test strip; 99% of the time the reading is - you guessed it, ACIDOSIS!
I do not expect to suffer with heartburn in the future, so long as I continue to moderate the quality of food that I consume, and listen to my body.
Go buy some strips!!
Yours for a good night's sleep!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I Think Hummus Has Drugs In It!

I started eating Hummus a few months ago. I have reservations about saying that I am addicted to it, simply because I pride myself on being addicted to nothing but Jesus.
But I do think that there should be some sort of "Hummus Club" out there for people like me. I have yet to meet a hummus-eater that does not salivate and rave about it when discussing this amazing spread. It's like something triggers in the brain! A Hummus-eater will, without fail tell you how they like to eat their hummus. With flatbread, pita bread, as a dressing in lettuce wraps, with all manner of raw veggies, with a spoon!.....the possibilities are endless!
I found the following article on
Hummus Lovers read on!
May your hummus always be perfect, and your little plastic tub never run dry!
Hummus is one of the world's oldest foods, with evidence suggesting use of chickpeas by ancient Egyptians 7,000 years ago and active cultivation in the Mediterranean basin beginning around 5,000 years ago. With the emergence of health-conscious food trends, hummus has become a popular dish for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, and is a staple of modern Middle Eastern cuisine.
- The nutritional value of traditional hummus is derived mainly from its chief ingredient, chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans. Other contributing ingredients are olive oil and garlic. Hummus also contains small amounts of lemon juice and cumin. Variations of hummus can include spinach, red peppers, kalamata olives, or tahini, a sesame seed paste.
- Chickpeas themselves are relatively low in fat, but the presence of olive oil boosts the fat content in hummus. Olive oil, however, is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type that is actually heart healthy. Thus, not only does olive oil contribute its unique flavor to hummus, it also imparts significant health benefits relative to creamy or other high-fat alternatives.
- Hummus is a natural, vegan food that can be a part of virtually any diet. Chickpeas, like most beans, are an excellent source of fiber that digests slowly and keeps blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly, making them ideal for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. Combined with rice or whole grains, they provide a complete protein. Chickpeas also contain molybdenum, a trace mineral that helps the body detoxify sulfites, as well as iron and manganese, which are essential for healthy blood and high energy.
- Because hummus is so versatile, often used as a dip for vegetables but also used as a sauce, pinning down a typical serving size can be difficult. At least one popular commercial brand lists a serving size as 2 tbsp. or 27 grams, an amount that contains 50 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of fat and 1 gram of protein.
- As with any legume-based dish, food pairings can be important when adding hummus to a diet. Because chickpeas, like other beans, contain both carbohydrate and protein elements, they tend to be digested slowly and can sometimes cause uncomfortable gas or bloating. Hummus pairs best with raw vegetables. Paired with meats or raw fruit, hummus will be digested even more slowly, increasing the chances for undesirable results.
Article taken from the site below.
What Is the Nutritional Value of Hummus? |
Thanks for reading!
Post a comment, and share your Hummus experience!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider
II Chronicles 16:7-9
7 At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: "Because you relied on t
he king of Aram and not on the LORD your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand. 8 Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the LORD, he delivered them into your hand. 9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war."
History records King Asa as being a good King, who as he obeyed and relied upon the Lord to fight his battles, was very successful. Although toward the end of his life, he began to trust in man and refused to seek after the Lord's way.
Because of this, he began to lose battles and eventually his very life, because he chose to seek the care of physicians, rather than the provision of the Lord God.
Oh, how much better it is to simply trust God and to seek HIS way! Our human nature says to figure it out on our own, to MAKE it happen. If there is a will, there is a way, right? But God's way is the way of faith and total dependence upon Him.
God wants all the glory for the things that he does in our lives. Let's be sure our hearts are right with Him, so He will 'seek us out to show himself strong for us'!
Today, I choose to surrender all my plans and solutions, in exchange for a sweet relationship with Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider!
7 At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: "Because you relied on t

History records King Asa as being a good King, who as he obeyed and relied upon the Lord to fight his battles, was very successful. Although toward the end of his life, he began to trust in man and refused to seek after the Lord's way.
Because of this, he began to lose battles and eventually his very life, because he chose to seek the care of physicians, rather than the provision of the Lord God.
Oh, how much better it is to simply trust God and to seek HIS way! Our human nature says to figure it out on our own, to MAKE it happen. If there is a will, there is a way, right? But God's way is the way of faith and total dependence upon Him.
God wants all the glory for the things that he does in our lives. Let's be sure our hearts are right with Him, so He will 'seek us out to show himself strong for us'!
Today, I choose to surrender all my plans and solutions, in exchange for a sweet relationship with Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
My 1970's Vacuum Cleaner

R2D2? Nah, just one of the most cherished items in my house. This baby, is still running on its original motor! In case you've never seen a vac like this; this is a 1970's model RAINBOW Vacuum Cleaner. If I bought a new one today, it would cost me $2,500.00!
When I was a little girl, my Mom scheduled an appointment with this local vacuum sales rep. I remember sitting on a chair while he demonstrated its 'magic' by vacuuming our red carpet (Yes, it was red!), and showing us the ghastly results in its curious little water compartment.
I remember this like it was yesterday. Not so much because of the amazing vacuum, but rather because the nice gentleman needed to use our bathroom, and to my mother's dismay, I had previously 'failed to flush' and left the pleasantries on display!
Needless to say, my backside paid the price of her embarrassment!
Mom bought a Rainbow that day. I'm not sure if it was because of the vacuum's magic, or mine!
This is definitely the one household item that is the most beneficial for our home. Ever since my Mom gave it to me a year ago, I have seen a remarkable difference in my carpets, and less allergies too.
I don't know what I'm going to do when it finally croaks. For now, I will just enjoy. Maybe I'll go polish her chrome and woodwork....
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Amazing Bobbi Shaw
Bobbi Shaw. Maybe you've heard of her, maybe not. Why is it that the people who are truly incredible are the ones rarely spoken of, while the popular and well-known are often eventually found lacking in genuine greatness? I have a hypothesis, but that can be saved for another posting.
I want to tell you about Bobbi Shaw.
Bobbi Shaw sees the weak and fights for them. She is a lover of all things children. She does not faint in adversity, but rather rests in the soundness of mind that has been granted to her from God. She is slow to speak; not full of mindless words and utterances, but rather gives much thought to choosing speech fitting for the moment. She is a person of strong character and deep convictions. Bobbi Shaw does not raise her voice, but exemplifies how to maintain control without 'losing control'. A loyal friend is she, and those who know her, know this well. She will make you better, I know this from many long conversations with her. Bobbi Shaw will balance you with her wisdom. She is a giver, A stay-at-home-mom who teaches Sunday School, participates in Community Outreach on the weekends, spends many, many hours every Sunday working in her church, leads a Bible Quiz Team, cares deeply for her husband, prays for her friends and family, and home-schools her 5 children. 5 incredible, highly intelligent children who love Jesus. So much more could be written about Bobbi Shaw........
Look around you. Observe carefully those with whom you rub shoulders. Is there an Amazing Person in your circle, that maybe has not received the honor due them? Or maybe he or she is there, but you've not experienced the blessing of gleaning from them.
Slow down, and be blessed by the incredible people around you. Pick up some of their attributes. Find out what discipline they are applying that makes them so great. Then apply that to your own life. The 'Bobbi Shaw' in your life was placed there by God for you, and you for her.
The Amazing Bobbi Shaw described above, is my big sister.
I want to tell you about Bobbi Shaw.
Bobbi Shaw sees the weak and fights for them. She is a lover of all things children. She does not faint in adversity, but rather rests in the soundness of mind that has been granted to her from God. She is slow to speak; not full of mindless words and utterances, but rather gives much thought to choosing speech fitting for the moment. She is a person of strong character and deep convictions. Bobbi Shaw does not raise her voice, but exemplifies how to maintain control without 'losing control'. A loyal friend is she, and those who know her, know this well. She will make you better, I know this from many long conversations with her. Bobbi Shaw will balance you with her wisdom. She is a giver, A stay-at-home-mom who teaches Sunday School, participates in Community Outreach on the weekends, spends many, many hours every Sunday working in her church, leads a Bible Quiz Team, cares deeply for her husband, prays for her friends and family, and home-schools her 5 children. 5 incredible, highly intelligent children who love Jesus. So much more could be written about Bobbi Shaw........
Look around you. Observe carefully those with whom you rub shoulders. Is there an Amazing Person in your circle, that maybe has not received the honor due them? Or maybe he or she is there, but you've not experienced the blessing of gleaning from them.
Slow down, and be blessed by the incredible people around you. Pick up some of their attributes. Find out what discipline they are applying that makes them so great. Then apply that to your own life. The 'Bobbi Shaw' in your life was placed there by God for you, and you for her.
The Amazing Bobbi Shaw described above, is my big sister.
1-2-3 Static Free!
I used to place a fabric softener sheet in my wallet on occasion, simply because I liked the way it made my things smell whenever I opened it. Well, not any more! I choose to 'freshen my wallet' a different way. Well, actually 3 ways.
Here goes:
1. Right before you use your last dryer sheets, run to the store and buy the store-brand liquid fabric softener and a cheap spray bottle. Pour 1 part softener and 1 part water into your sprayer.
TaDa! You have just set yourself up for an annual 62% savings in your quest for fresh-smelling, static-free laundry!
Yes, I did the math, and boy does my wallet feel fresh!!
2. But what if you use that last dryer sheet before you prepare your new money-saving spray? Not a problem, simply wad up some aluminum foil like a golf ball and throw it in with your wet clothes. Static-free every time! Only minus the fresh scent. Funny thing, I never can seem to find that rascally ball of foil when I fold the laundry. Maybe the aluminum evaporates in the dryer, or maybe it's just under my couch! Oops!
3. No aluminum foil? Weird, but no worries! Just pour a little White Distilled Vinegar in the wash during the rinse cycle. It's a great laundry brightener! Now, unless you really like hovering over the wash waiting for the rinse cycle to begin, please know that you can fill a Downy Ball with that magical, I-can-do-it-all liquid! - Vinegar!
Go ahead and try it, you know you wannna!
Here goes:

1. Right before you use your last dryer sheets, run to the store and buy the store-brand liquid fabric softener and a cheap spray bottle. Pour 1 part softener and 1 part water into your sprayer.
TaDa! You have just set yourself up for an annual 62% savings in your quest for fresh-smelling, static-free laundry!
Yes, I did the math, and boy does my wallet feel fresh!!
2. But what if you use that last dryer sheet before you prepare your new money-saving spray? Not a problem, simply wad up some aluminum foil like a golf ball and throw it in with your wet clothes. Static-free every time! Only minus the fresh scent. Funny thing, I never can seem to find that rascally ball of foil when I fold the laundry. Maybe the aluminum evaporates in the dryer, or maybe it's just under my couch! Oops!
3. No aluminum foil? Weird, but no worries! Just pour a little White Distilled Vinegar in the wash during the rinse cycle. It's a great laundry brightener! Now, unless you really like hovering over the wash waiting for the rinse cycle to begin, please know that you can fill a Downy Ball with that magical, I-can-do-it-all liquid! - Vinegar!
Go ahead and try it, you know you wannna!
Eat a Green Chili Pepper

Got Headaches?
I am absolutely nuts about Green Chili Peppers! I put them in everything I eat! Well, not really, but I definitely eat my yummy fair share in order to keep Ukrop's Supermarkets in business(Sorry, Ukrops, guess I didn't buy enough.) Anyhoo, yesterday I was curious as to the heath benefit of this little green guy. Check out what I found on this site:
Chili Peppers Fight Migraine Headaches and Sinus Headaches
Studies show that chili peppers can provide pain relief for migraine and sinus headaches. Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers hot, is known to inhibit a key neuropeptide, Substance P, that is the key brain pain transmitter. Go capsaicin!
You can read more of the health benefits by clicking on their site.
Automatic Dishwasher Detergent
Ok. We all know that not only are most commercially recommended household cleaners great for burning holes in our fashionable wallets, but they are also laden with toxins that irritate our allergies and deplete our immune systems. Soooo, one day I decided that enough was enough! I embarked upon a lengthy quest to find products that were as safe and natural as possible, and at the same time would give my 'fashionable wallet' a break!
After playing Mad Scientist in my kitchen for a few months, I have finally struck gold!
I had been paying 31cents per load to wash my dishes in the dishwasher. That may not seem like much money, and I don't open the dishwasher and play around in the toxic suds or anything, but nevertheless, 2 loads a day, 6 days a week = a whopping $193.44 annually! That amount of money to me = the new dinnerware set I've had my eye on, a new outfit, and a refurbished 'fashionable wallet'!
So you know, I currently pay 8 cents per load for sparkling clean dishes! I'm saving $143.52 annually!
Here is the recipe:
3 cups 20 Mule Team Borax
3 cups Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
2 cups Table Salt
Shake it all together.
Use 1/4 cup per load.
Makes 32 loads!
*Tip for shine - Put white distilled vinegar in the rinse compartment!
Happy Mixing!
Please share your elation with me!!!
After playing Mad Scientist in my kitchen for a few months, I have finally struck gold!
I had been paying 31cents per load to wash my dishes in the dishwasher. That may not seem like much money, and I don't open the dishwasher and play around in the toxic suds or anything, but nevertheless, 2 loads a day, 6 days a week = a whopping $193.44 annually! That amount of money to me = the new dinnerware set I've had my eye on, a new outfit, and a refurbished 'fashionable wallet'!
So you know, I currently pay 8 cents per load for sparkling clean dishes! I'm saving $143.52 annually!
Here is the recipe:

3 cups 20 Mule Team Borax
3 cups Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
2 cups Table Salt
Shake it all together.
Use 1/4 cup per load.
Makes 32 loads!
*Tip for shine - Put white distilled vinegar in the rinse compartment!
Happy Mixing!
Please share your elation with me!!!
It bubbles like a volcano!
A volcano ready to erupt! You know, the thoughts you have about your subject. The soap box you love to climb on! The words and opinions that you are convinced need to be shouted form the mountaintops!
Well, that's what SARAH'S NOTES is for. Well, not for you, but for me (haha) to share my passions, both random and steadfast with the world. Of course, much of the world probably couldn't care less, but to those incredible few, I say - "Welcome! Let's have some fun!"
Well, that's what SARAH'S NOTES is for. Well, not for you, but for me (haha) to share my passions, both random and steadfast with the world. Of course, much of the world probably couldn't care less, but to those incredible few, I say - "Welcome! Let's have some fun!"
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