Up until one dreadful night in August of 09', I had never before experienced the excruciating, debilitating pain of heartburn. We're talking 6 hours of non-stop pain and vomiting, okay. It felt like someone had taken a spear and thrust it through my chest and out my back - and left it there!
I went to the Doctor the following morning. He gave me a script for some quick-fix pills and said, "Looks like you have mild gastrointestinal upset, along with painful heartburn. If it doesn't go away in a few days, come back and see us."
I did not take the meds, because I was feeling better. Since then, I have had about 5 difficult nights with heartburn.
So, the researcher that I am, I began to study my heartburn and indigestion problem. In September, I stumbled upon some notes about the relationship between heartburn, indigestion and the acid/alkaline balance in the body.
Too much acid catapults your body into a state of Acidosis, which is a condition characterized by excess acidity. The physical results of acidosis include fatigue, impaired cell function, immune system dysfunction, inflammation, problems related to mineral loss, premature aging, accelerated muscle loss, and will inhibit the proper function of enzymes, which over time, will set a perfect stage for the growth of illness, cancer, general and severe dis-ease, and eventually death.
On the other hand, too little acid, or Alkalosis can be very harmful as well, with results like, dysfunction of the central nervous system and the nerves by which it communicates with the body. Antacids, both OTC and prescribed by doctors, while they relieve symptoms, are also known to reduce the stomach's Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) levels to the point of too much alkalizing. The result of this, is more painful heartburn due to the fact that you no longer have enough HCI to properly break down your food, so it sits in your stomach, fermenting. Eventually causing you the same problem you tried to resolve by taking the antacids in the first place.
Needless to say, I have a slight problem with this 'circle of discomfort'!
So I bought this:
These are Aci

Simply hold a small strip in the flow and note the new color that appears. Match that color to the chart on the package and "Viola!", there's your personal PH reading! A reading of 7.0 is where you want to be, but don't be surprised if your first reading it off the charts! Mine was!
Having studied much, I found that the foods we eat are the #1 factor in our body's PH balance. Medications follow at a close #2. I purchased a book entitled "The Acid Akkaline Food Guide" by Dr. Susan E Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. Not only did this book help educate me regarding healthy PH levels, but it also includes a multi-page listing of foods and the acid/alkaline effect the have on the body. So convenient!
It has been nearly 6 months since I began this study. Having experimented with eating the right foods, I have learned to recognize the symptoms of acidosis in my body without the use of the test strips. Whenever I feel sluggish, full, moody, or my skin appears pallid, if I use a PH test strip; 99% of the time the reading is - you guessed it, ACIDOSIS!
I do not expect to suffer with heartburn in the future, so long as I continue to moderate the quality of food that I consume, and listen to my body.
Go buy some strips!!
Yours for a good night's sleep!
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