Friday, March 26, 2010

I Love The People Of God!

What an amazing time we all had at East Coast Women's Conference! It was great to spend time with some of my friends from across the state with whom I rarely get to chat with. What a blessing to my soul are the people of God!

If you have ever been refreshed and encouraged by a friend, this read is for you.

Luke Chapter 1 tells of the moment when Gabriel came to Mary and told her of the 'Great Thing' that was going to be born of her. Mary was overwhelmed, yet the angel encouraged her by telling her that Elizabeth, her cousin was also about to give birth to something great(John the Baptist). So, in the manner that women do, Mary high-tailed it to Elizabeth's house! Maybe she needed the support of her friend. Or maybe in her excitement, she just had to find someone she loved and trusted to share her passion about what God was doing in her life. Wouldn't you know, the moment she greeted Elizabeth, her friend knew that something had happened to Mary. The Bible tells us that Elizabeth was instantly filled with the spirit and began to prophesy and speak life into her dear friend. Mary then broke out in rejoicing, singing a song of great faith and honor unto God for the great things he was doing in her life.

Oh, what a blessing we are to one another!

I remember as a teenager living out in the sticks of Richlands, VA. We didn't have a youth group, it was just my sister and I. On occasion there was a young person or two that I tried desperately to befriend, but they always moved away or something. I attended an incredible private Christian school of which I attribute my deep love for the Word of God. However, in a small town you can only expect to have a 'small' number of people your age in your class. The people that I connected with and could relate to most were spread out all across the state of Virginia. I saw these precious people twice, maybe three times a year at youth camps, conventions and rallies. Yet somehow a special bond formed and even though I was alone in Richlands VA, I was very much not alone. Did that make me a weirdo? LOL! NO, but maybe like Paul, who said, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Ph 1:3
Anyways, having recently returned from the Women's Conference, once again my heart is full because of my dear sisters from miles away. I thank God that early in my life He placed a special desire for the fellowship of my sisters in my heart. I believe in them and they believe in me. I rejoice with them, and they me.
One of my top 5 passions is UNITY, and as I look back over my life I realize that what I thought was an unfortunate circumstance of teenage loneliness, was not that at all; but rather the birthplace of a deep passion, longing for, and love for God's people - all over the world!
The moment we let go of comparisons, competition and jealousy is the blessed moment when we unite and ALL things become possible! May the weight of dis-unity never be applicable to you, and may the joys of togetherness in Christ always be a refreshing to your soul!

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