Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lisa and Stephen's Fridge!

Earlier this year our family enjoyed a nice evening in the home of our friends, Stephen and Lisa Adkins. Little did I know, that this night would change my life - or at least my refrigerator - forever!
While Lisa was busy whipping up some yummy Pampered Chef goodies; I, knowing my gifting - or lack thereof, sat in a chair in the corner just chatting away!
All of a sudden the children came into the kitchen requiring a drink of water. This, friends, was the moment it all changed! I opened up the refrigerator, and to my shock, amazement and utter dismay, there were little labels everywhere! Labels that said things like, "leftovers", "condiments", "meats", "fruit", "drinks", etc.
I was afraid to touch the water pitcher, much less MOVE it! I looked cautiously around me and gingerly removed the water from the ledge, quickly pouring for the children and very carefully placing it back in its perfectly designed spot. Whew!
Once I regained my composure and wiped the sweat from my palms, I had to ask!
"What on earth is this all about!?!"
Turns out, Stephen is a master organizer. As he proceeded to give me tour of his well-organized cabinets, shelves, cupboards, nooks and crannies - I saw the light! Well, Akil saw the light.
Now, needless to say, a great fear comes upon me when I open my 'holy door' for a snack.
Can somebody please tell me what I should put in the spot labeled "ADDITIVES!"
Thanks, Stephen......I think.


Linda said...

haha -- I love it! I don't think I could live with labels in the fridge ... I would get obsessive. lol. i'd start labeling EVERYTHING!
additives ... i guess stuff like food coloring, sugar .. etc????

ps. i love your blog!

Unknown said...

this is too funny!